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Past Circuit Heritage Events

Please see below events that have happened in the Circuit to celebrate the history of the Burnley & Pendle Circuit.

August 2021


What a celebration indeed …….. 

Yesterday’s launch of the Burnley and Pendle Methodist Heritage trail was an amazing event. Sixty-seven people, of all ages and from across the Circuit and beyond (Preston and Haslingden) joined in the 4 mile circular walk across the fields from Higherford to Roughlee. There were two stops along the way for worship – one in a field overlooking Roughlee where Richard Hoyle shared an extract from John Wesley’s journal on his visit to this area in 1748 and the second one on the site of the previous Wesleyan Chapel in Roughlee where Revd Keith Richardson led the singing of the hymn written by Charles Wesley ‘And can it be that I should gain’. As we left the second location we were thanked by the local residents for our singing!

Everyone managed to return to Higherford, including the well behaved dogs. The ladies at Higherford church certainly did us proud with the delicious afternoon tea which over 100 people joined in and nearly £200 was raised. There was a Circuit information stall hosting details of forthcoming events and products to support churches in outreach and prayer plus a Christian book stall. It was good to see people gathering together as we come out of the pandemic restrictions. The event ended with a short meaningful worship on ‘Jesus: the Way, the Truth and the Life’ led by the Revd Paul Davis, Chair of the Lancashire District and the prayers were led by the Circuit’s new Superintendent, Revd Rick Ormrod who starts this week.

Many thanks to everyone who supported this circuit event and don’t forget:

- to visit the Circuit website later this week and in the following few months as more information on the trail is release

- a second heritage walk is being planned for next spring and a third one for June 2022 so keep an eye out for details in the Circuit newsletter.


Every blessing

The Circuit Heritage Group

March 2022


June 2022


Another successful Circuit Heritage event

Circuit Heritage event was another great occasion for people to come together and share their stories. The William Pickles Hartley exhibition provided interesting information on this local Methodist man who founded Hartley’s jam. The exhibition also included items on Methodism from the Trawden and surrounding areas. Barbara Easton, the Vice President of the Methodist Conference and Revd Paul Davis, the Chair of the District joined in the 5-mile circular walk from Trawden to Wycoller. During the walk, they visited Trawden Cemetery where William P Hartley is buried and a short act of worship took place. Barbara dedicated the new Heritage plaque at the cemetery before laying some flowers on William’s grave.

A second circular walk for those who wanted to amble along at a relaxed pace took place simultaneously to the five-mile walk. This walk followed footpaths around Trawden and Cottontree.​​​   


​​Refreshments were served by a willing team of volunteers in Trawden Community Centre and over £70 was raised.


​​​​​​​​​​Grateful thanks to Kath Yates, Kath Heyworth, Keith Richardson and Richard Hoyle for organising this event and many thanks to all who attended the exhibition or participated in one of the walks.


For Highlights of the day check out the Circuit YouTube 

January 2023


May 2023


September 2023


February 2024


April 2024


July 2024

Wheatley Lane

A Summer Celebration at Wheatley Lane on Saturday 20th July 2024


As part of the 200th anniversary at Wheatley Lane (WL) Methodist Church a heritage summer celebration was held on Saturday 20th July 2024.
Two heritage walks prepared by members of WL church took place. The 5-mile walk started at WL church in Fence at 1pm and took a scenic route in the stunning local Pendle countryside before descending into the neighbouring village of Higham.
A short act of worship took place at 2.15pm In Higham on the site where the Methodist Chapel had previously stood led by the Revd Keith Richardson and Richard Hoyle. It was great that many local people joined the walkers for this special celebration.
Following the worship the 2-mile walkers joined the other walkers as they returned through the fields parallel to the Padiham to Barrowford by-pass to WL church. In WL church cream teas were being served. The local methodist heritage group had
put on an interesting exhibition of documents and photos of WL church and Higham chapel. A heritage plaque was dedicated for Harry Hartley, a past headteacher at WL Primary school and a methodist local preacher who had a heart for mission
throughout the local area. This plaque can be found on the school’s wall facing Wheatley Lane Road near to the school’s main entrance.

November 2024


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