Wheatley Lane Methodist

Wheatley Lane Methodist Church is a welcoming and lively, church, with a mixed age congregation, including many young families. We seek to make known the love of Christ with relevant and modern worship. Situated in the middle of the village of Wheatley Lane (Fence) we enjoy a close connection with the school next door. We also have a thriving Junior Church. And we aspire to reach out to our community in fresh and meaningful ways.
Sunday Worship is at 9.30am, with ‘Family Worship’ (AAW) on the third Sunday in the month. Refreshment are served each Sunday after worship.
Midweek Worship. (3rd Tues) 7.30pm.
An adult focused service of between 30 to 40 mins of contemporary worship, prayer, and a short message. With a time for reflection. And refreshments.
‘Old School Worship’. (1st Wed) 10.30am.
A more traditional style service, with refreshments afterwards.
Lego Church. Last Friday of the month, 3.15-4.30pm
For Families with children and young people.
Inspire/pastoral groups and short block study groups.
Reconnect evenings. Offering a more social gathering for women.
Crafty Saturday, 10.30am, once a month, on varying dates.
We do have an ‘open’ church Facebook page. ‘Wheatley Lane Methodist Church’, where you will find more information of our events and activities. We also have a closed FB Group, which is for our active congregation/church family and members use.
For more information, please visit our open Facebook page or contact Adrian.
Please click here for 2025 events

Address: Wheatley Lane Road, Fence, BB12 9ED
Minister: Revd Adrian Perry
Tel: 07469 761773