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Wheatley Lane Methodist

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Wheatley Lane Methodist Church is a welcoming, lively, family friendly church, seeking to make known the love of Christ with relevant and modern worship. Situated in the middle of the village of Wheatley Lane (Fence) we enjoy a close connection with the school next door. And we aspire to reach out to our community in fresh and meaningful ways.

​Sunday Worship is at 9.30am, with ‘Family Worship’ (AAW) on the third Sunday in the month. We also have a thriving Junior Church.

Monthly Midweek Service. (3rd Tues) 7.30pm

An adult focused service of between 30 to 40 mins of contemporary worship, prayer, and a short message. With a time for reflection. And refreshments.


Lego Church - 2nd Fri in the month, 3.15-4.45pm

For Families with children and young people.


Quarterly lunch time communion followed by a sandwich or soup lunch and fellowship.

House group, Inspire groups and Bible study groups.

Reconnect evenings. Offering a more social gathering for women.


We do have a church Facebook fundraising page which is public. ‘Wheatley Lane Methodist Church Fundraising’. And, a closed FB Group, which is for our church family and members use.

For more information on our various groups and activities etc. Please contact Richard ­­­­­­­­­­­

Address: Wheatley Lane Road, Fence, BB12 9ED

Minister: Revd Adrian Perry

Tel:  07469 761773


More information on the 200th Anniversary Year
of Celebration

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