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Christ Church Methodist

Our Vision of Being Church

Being Church for us means that we are committed to worshipping God and serving others in an open, welcoming and life-giving way

Christ Church is a unique venue, a town centre base for working with and connecting to the wider community.  It is the only purpose-built joint Methodist and Roman Catholic Church in the country.  A wide range of groups meet at Christ Church and many types of events and activities take place every day.   A quiet meditation room is available for personal space and reflection, and is open to all, as is the church, whenever the building is open.


Christ Church is both a Fairtrade Church and an Eco-Church.

Here is the link to the Christ Church Calendar
Christ Church Calendar


Christ Church Toddler Group - every Wednesday.  We meet upstairs in the Weets room from 9:45 to 11:15am (there is a lift).  Only 50p per child including drink and snack.  All preschool children and their parents/carers are welcome.
Friendship Group – alternate Tuesday afternoons, 2pm-4pm (see link to Christ church calendar). For Carers and those suffering from dementia are very welcome. Singing, crafts, tea/coffee cakes. No charge.
Community lunch – 12 noon, monthly on Tuesday (see Christ church calendar for dates), 2 course meal – All welcome.
Luncheon Club – Saturday 12 noon on the last Saturday of each month.
Messy Church – 4pm-6pm on the first Friday of every month. Children and parents/carers are welcome.
Talk & Do – every Wednesday from 10:30am. All adults welcome.
Exercise Class – every Friday 11am-12noon. All adults welcome.


For information about activities at Christ church please send an email to :

Address: Carr Road, Nelson BB9 7EN

Minister: Revd Rick Ormrod

Tel: 01282 613165

Sunday Service - 11am

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