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Higherford Methodist

Higherford is a friendly, caring and family orientated Church. We have a regular morning service at 11 am every Sunday and coffee is served from 10.30am with a lively Junior Church. There is a Mums and Toddler group on a Wednesday morning and a Messy Church group,on the third Friday of the month, for families and older children. Every fortnight we an afternoon and evening Bible fellowship. On the second Thursday of the month there is a Community Lunch where we serve a two course meal and fellowship for the older members of the local area..Friday Fun happens on the last Friday every month.. Everyone will always be assured of a warm welcome to any of our regular or various occasional events.

The community lunch, Friday fun, Messy Church and Monday afternoon fellowship have not yet restarted. Bible fellowship is on zoom on Tuesday evenings at 7:30pm every fortnight and Mums & Toddlers has restarted on Wednesday mornings.

Sunday Service - 11am

If you wish to use the Church or the Lonsdale Room (a large function room with kitchen facilities) for away days, parties or other events, please contact Shelia Dixon on 01282 613125

Everyone very welcome

Events coming up at Higherford Church.....

Address: Gisburn Road, Nelson BB9 6JH

Minister: Revd Adrian Perry

Mob: 07469 761773

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