What a celebration indeed ……..
Yesterday’s launch of the Burnley and Pendle Methodist Heritage trail was an amazing event. Sixty-seven people, of all ages and from across the Circuit and beyond (Preston and Haslingden) joined in the 4 mile circular walk across the fields from Higherford to Roughlee. There were two stops along the way for worship – one in a field overlooking Roughlee where Richard Hoyle shared an extract from John Wesley’s journal on his visit to this area in 1748 and the second one on the site of the previous Wesleyan Chapel in Roughlee where Revd Keith Richardson led the singing of the hymn written by Charles Wesley ‘And can it be that I should gain’. As we left the second location we were thanked by the local residents for our singing!
Everyone managed to return to Higherford, including the well behaved dogs. The ladies at Higherford church certainly did us proud with the delicious afternoon tea which over 100 people joined in and nearly £200 was raised. There was a Circuit information stall hosting details of forthcoming events and products to support churches in outreach and prayer plus a Christian book stall. It was good to see people gathering together as we come out of the pandemic restrictions. The event ended with a short meaningful worship on ‘Jesus: the Way, the Truth and the Life’ led by the Revd Paul Davis, Chair of the Lancashire District and the prayers were led by the Circuit’s new Superintendent, Revd Rick Ormrod who starts this week.
Many thanks to everyone who supported this circuit event and don’t forget:
- to visit the Circuit website later this week and in the following few months as more information on the trail is release
- a second heritage walk is being planned for next spring and a third one for June 2022 so keep an eye out for details in the Circuit newsletter.
Every blessing
The Circuit Heritage Group
Heritage walk1: Higherford Roughlee Circular.
Distance approx 4miles.
Map OS Explorer OL21 South Pennines
Terrain: Roads, field paths and tracks, rough in places. Stepping stones. Some steep, hilly sections
Start and finish: Centre of Barrowford. Parking in Heritage Centre car park (grid ref 863398) or on side roads.
From car park turn right to meet A682. Turning left and continue on A682 until you reach Booth’s Store. Turn right here up Halstead Lane. Walk up the lane for approx 300m until the road ends and divides into 2 tracks.
Take the left-hand track and within 50m take the stile on the left and follow the path down over a stream and across a field, crossing a stile to reach a track (grid ref 855402).
Turn right up the track and within 100 yards look for a stile on the left signed Pendle Way. Follow this path into the field turning almost immediately right following the path up the hill. Pass between the farm buildings, through a stile and continue up the path to the ridge (grid ref 848403).
Go straight across the track here and continue to follow the path over the ridge and down the steep field towards Roughlee. The path bends to the right to skirt a large isolated tree. Possibly where Wesley preached.
Continue down the hill to the stepping stones at the bottom. Cross with care and proceed for a few yards the other side, crossing a stile to meet the road.
Turn left and follow the road into the village. Stop at the bridge (grid ref 844404) to see the information board inside the bus shelter.
Continue along the road, through the village until you reach a terrace of old cottages on your right-hand side. These are Waterfall Cottages. Walk behind the to see the site of the old Methodist chapel and note the gravestones now incorporated into the gardens of the cottages.
Return to the road and continue in the same direction (i.e., turn right at the road) passing the school on your right and eventually reaching a bridge across the river. Immediately after this bridge take the path on your left to follow the water upstream (grid ref 837399).
After about 100m the path leaves the river and climbs uphill crossing stiles and fields. But generally keeping to the same direction. Follow this path until you meet a stile in a wall at the top of the hill. Go through this stile onto the small road opposite a small reservoir. (grid ref 845398)
Turn left along the road following it for about 200m until it meets another road. Cross this road and take the stile in the hedge almost immediately in front of you. Continue across a field before re-joining the Pendle Way. The field path becomes a track as it drops towards the village.
Just before some houses take a stile on your right which drops into a narrow, stony path. Follow this path downhill continuing as it re-joins a field path and eventually dropping to a kissing gate just behind some houses.
Go through the gate, continue along the path until you emerge into a housing estate.
Turn left and immediately right following the road. At the end of this road turn left and drop down into Barrowford village. When you meet the main road turn left. You will soon pass the White Bear Pub where John Wesley hid after being chased from Roughlee. Continue along the main road until you reach the car park.