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Another successful Circuit Heritage event

Last Saturday’s, Circuit Heritage event was another great occasion for people to come together and share their stories. The William Pickles Hartley exhibition provided interesting information on this local Methodist man who founded Hartley’s jam. The exhibition also included items on Methodism from the Trawden and surrounding areas. Barbara Easton, the Vice President of the Methodist Conference and Revd Paul Davis, the Chair of the District joined in the 5-mile circular walk from Trawden to Wycoller. During the walk, they visited Trawden Cemetery where William P Hartley is buried and a short act of worship took place. Barbara dedicated the new Heritage plaque at the cemetery before laying some flowers on William’s grave.



A second circular walk for those who wanted to amble along at a relaxed pace took place simultaneously to the five-mile walk. This walk followed footpaths around Trawden and Cottontree.



Refreshments were served by a willing team of volunteers in Trawden Community Centre and over £70 was raised.

Grateful thanks to Kath Yates, Kath Heyworth, Keith Richardson and Richard Hoyle for organising this event and many thanks to all who attended the exhibition or participated in one of the walks.


For Highlights of the day check out the Circuit YouTube 

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